No Fun Being Sick | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, September 02, 2007

No Fun Being Sick

Cham loh. While the whole of Malaysia is enjoying their extra long weekend, I am stuck to my bed busy being sick. UUgghh it is no fun being sick. My head feels like exploding and it stresses me out to think that while I am lying in bed, there is more work being piled up on my desk and I would have lots of catching up to do. Not forgetting all the blogging that I need to get done every single day.

I actually did not do any real blogging for the past three days. I could not even look at my screen without my eyes glazing over and nodding off to dreamland. I am so tired I don't think I can even sleep enough.

Anyway, even now, I am writing this post via my phone. I don't even feel like I want to look at the computer screen. Ironically, I don't mind looking at the screen of my phone. How ironic lol


_butt said...

poor thing! you must be working too hard lately. got see doctor or not? take this holiday to rest well and get well soon. take care ya :D

here's a get well soon hugs for you!

Em said...

_butt! Thanks for coming by and hugging me. I hope you have installed anti-virus! I can so totally feel the love from ya! Happy holidays to you :D

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