Mistakes Here, Errors There | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mistakes Here, Errors There

I find myself blogging half asleep lately and to my horror, find that I have been typing incoherently. There were times when I think of something in my head but end up typing out something else. I hope that although I may do this, I catch myself before publishing my piece, or worse, submitting it. Am I living dangerously or what?

But even normally, when I am not 100%, I would be having spelling mistakes and grammatical errors all over the place and I would not be able to spot them even after reading them for umpteen times. Spell checker does not always help because some words are legitimate words in their word right.

And I never will know about my mistakes unless someone leaves me a comment and I have to reread my post to respond intelligently. Come to think of it, it has been such a crazy week that I haven't even time to respond to comments! Bah... my bad.

Bad! Bad! Bad! SIT!!!!


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