May Nurin Rest In Peace | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 22, 2007

May Nurin Rest In Peace

It is indeed a sad day for the nation to mourn the loss of a young girl. This is not about a young girl being kidnapped, sexually assaulted, tortured and finally murdered but it is about losing the innocence that the country is all rosy. This is very sick person we have in our midst to be able to inflict such things on a young girl. With her death, we are all shaken because this unfortunate incident could happen to any other family. And of course we would not wish such grief on even our worst enemies.

Although I am not a parent, I think that to be a parent is more than procreation and giving life. Parents need to take full responsibility of the well-being and education of the child until he is an adult himself.

You know, it is so easy to just give birth that even mentally handicapped people who cannot take care of themselves can give birth. It is just a physical act. To be a parent is more than physical presence or financial support. It's a very complex process that binds the adult and the child. One misstep could lead to the death of the child.


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