Hand Phone Shopping | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hand Phone Shopping

I have been hand phone shopping with my dad this past month! He is so fussy, he only wants Motorola, non-flip, non slide, thin profiled, light, no fancy colors, large text, clear reception, fits his budget bla bla bla

Aihhh I headache! I too would love to get another phone for myself but after having spent over a thousand Ringgit for this, no matter how crappy it is, I am not going to splurge a second time on a phone. I tell myself, IT'S ONLY A PHONE! It's functioning though not as well as I had hoped. My Nokia and me are like partners in a bad marriage. We want out but we are stuck together forever.

Sometimes, I will tell my dad, "BUY LAH" so that he will buy it and then stop shopping for hand phones for the next couple of years. Hehehe but my tactic still has yet to work!

Goodness, I wonder how long more he would go browsing and searching all over hand phone shops in town.


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