Draft Count: ZERO | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Draft Count: ZERO

My Gawd! I started the week with ten draft posts each on all my blogs and now I am down to zero. can you believe the pace that I have been blogging that I do not even have time to top up my drafts? Boy, am I getting jittery without some drafts safely and securely tucked away.

Worse is that I just got news that my friend will be making a trip here and I will be away from the computer and not being able to blog. I know I welcome the break but eh, I need to type out those dang drafts too. So how?

I really feel bad that I have been neglecting everyone but I have a target to meet every month to cover all my family's expenses and I haven't reached that comfort zone yet so I have to continue to slog on. It's tiring, it's mind numbing and I suspect, I will have to suffer from pinch nerve in my wrist but I will be doing it while I still can.


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