Concerns About Climate Change And The Environment | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Concerns About Climate Change And The Environment

I am sure everyone would have noticed the climate changes we have been facing for the past year or so. The change is gradual day by day but compared to a couple of years ago, the change has been drastic. If you have looked at the photo called "Rain Clouds" published on Sightings yesterday, you would know what I mean. And this is not just happening in Malaysia but has a global effect.

Just now, I was watching Energy Policy TV. This is a site that holds videos on environmental concerns and issues regarding climate change.

Out of all the videos, the most compelling to me, is titled "Climate Change". In it, ordinary people on the street question oil and gas companies what they are doing to bring us a better product that are not harmful to the environment. I think these are valid questions by concern residents of the Earth. It is our right to have a quality burning product. And it is our children's right to have a cleaner and safer world.

If you are also just as concerned about climate change as I am and would like to know the issues that are being discussed and steps taken to address these issues to bring us a better product, then you should watch the free videos that are on Energy Policy TV.

The Climate Change Channel addresses these environmental issues thoroughly.


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