Budget 2008 | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Budget 2008

Well, the Malaysian government has unveiled its budget for 2008 yesterday. Yes it was yesterday already! I just would like to know how it will benefit the people who are not government servants. The only immediate effect is waive on school fees and books. For school fees, it will benefit those with a lot of children and we know which race has the most children generally.

As for the school books I just can see the potential problem where nobody will buy from the store and publishers will be forced to supply to the schools first before payment, and if the government has no money to buy new books, then school children would be studying from the same books, which means not getting the current knowledge.

Other than these two, I wonder what benefits the Budget has in store for me, a single person. I hope that when I receive my papers later this morning, I would see something pleasant that I missed out watching the news just now.


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