65 Posts On Homepage | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 22, 2007

65 Posts On Homepage

I am feeling obsessed with the number of posts I have on my homepage now. And right now, at the time of writing this, I have a total of 65 (65 you know!) posts on my homepage that I wrote and published within the past seven days. I set my blog to display posts for one week but at this point I am wondering if one week is too lengthy.

I don't know how many posts I publish here but it could be easily nine or ten every day and it is made worse with all the original interims between all sponsored content which I am trying to keep to.

Do you think I should cut down on the number of posts to display on my front page before they are archived? I wonder if it's because of the number of posts that is causing my homepage to load a tad slower. I have already resized my header image and it helped somewhat and it is not something that I can change anymore unless I change themes and I am not going to mess up my theme for the time being.

So how many days’ worth of posts should I allow to publish on my homepage?


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