Vivid Dream | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, August 10, 2007

Vivid Dream

Just now, I had a very vivid dream. I dreamt that my brother scolded me for keeping in touch with a guy (my friend). In real life, I know that my family is dead against my friendship with him because he has all the wrong elements. To me, he is a friend but to my family, they are afraid that we will end up being an item or getting married. You see, this is the sort of respect I get from my own family.

Perhaps also, in my mind and heart, I am guilty of being found out that I am still keeping in touch with him despite being warned at the onset of our friendship, though since then, I never mentioned him in front of my family anymore.

I may be naive but I know that he is not good husband material but I never intended him to be my husband. Are my parents over protective and jumping to all the wrong conclusions? Or should I be afraid of myself?

So in the dream, I was scolded but I shot them back about having to support the family totally, which is a real burden to me in real life but I never mentioned it. So maybe it's an accumulation of all these emotions building up in me that invoked such a dream.

Just hope that it will not happen for real.


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