Tesco Express | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tesco Express

There's a new Tesco Express. I say NEW because there previously was a Tesco Express but then they moved to a new premise taking over Makro which closed down and sold everything to Tesco. Tesco did operate at Makro but after that, they closed the building for renovation and just launched it last week.

When I went there, it was just like any other Tesco that I have been to. It does not even look like Makro anymore but I still do see some old tenants around. The place is so large. I saw a neighbour at the car park but when I was inside, I never even see him anywhere, you say large or not?

I tried to take a picture of the large signboard with my Nokia but the photo is so noisy that I feel like I am putting something ugly on my blog if I were to publish it here. Bah.. I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA!

You know how Tesco has its own in-house brand? So one day in Tesco (there is another ordinary Tesco in my cow town), I heard a man telling his wife that he wants to buy coffee from England. I was thinking, "Eh, there's coffee from England being sold in Tesco?"

You know what? The wife then took a bottle of coffee power from the shelf and the brand name is "TESCO"... hahaha that really cracked me UP! Just because Tesco is a British company does not make their in-house products "English". God, people do love to kid themselves and shiok sendiri, right?


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