Mood Killa | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mood Killa

Last evening, my aunt came over to my house and asked forMYR1000. That really kills my mood because there is no one who could spare it for her except me and although I am reluctant to give her, I am forced to because she has helped us a lot.

Yes, I said GIVE because I do not expect her to return it and I don't think she will as well, considering the times she has helped us so much when we were down and out and exhausted all avenues except for her who went out of her way to see that we have food on the table.

When I saw her worried look last evening, I already did not feel good because it is always about money. ALWAYS. And I hate it.

I was even thinking of getting a digital camera next month because I need it for my work but then F@RK, I could have bought a good unit with that money but it is NOW GONE!

Sometimes I wish I am those lone rangers without family or friends because my mother's side and m father's side are the same and I have friends asking me for money shamelessly just because I am good at saving money, and not necessarily earn more than them.

I think I better buy what I want before others spend my money for me.


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