Feels Like Tahi | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Feels Like Tahi

My friend Samm and I were up the whole morning working on our blogs until I gave up at 7am. While I could actually still go on, I had to wake up at 8am, so there was only one miserable hour to rest. A friend asked me why I even bother going to bed at all? Wah, he wants me to die meh? Today is a long day at work and I did not get the sleep I need. I can really feel a slight uneasiness in my heart.

Paul even asked me to get some exercise. My goodness, they want to kill me. WAWAWAWA!!!

I hope I don't make any mistakes at work today. Lack of rest could do that to me. But the day hasn't started off well. I woke up to realise that I lost a little money in some stupid thing. It's approximately MYR50. Well, may not be much to some people but it's a lot to me. *sigh * I guess in life, we win some, we lose some.


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