Composing My Thoughts | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Composing My Thoughts

Well, a lot seemed to have been happening in Malaysia. The child killer, Ooi Ying Ying, RPK, the Mongolian murder, the rape case of the patient and lots of other terror stories.

I actually have a lot of opinion on them but I do not have the luxury of time to sit down properly and compose my thoughts into a coherent blog post. And by the time I have time, another piece of shocking news would have broken out.

Considering this place is a quaint little cow town, it's hard to believe the horrid things that happen around here. My friend would say, Aiyoh another case from your hometown.

Well, what can I say? People here are all crackos maybe?
Since I don't have time to really list out my thoughts, all I want to say is that may justice be served to all who are guilty! And even so, I don't think it is ever enough!!


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