Preparing For The SAT | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Preparing For The SAT

I know just too well the importance of a sound education because I did not have the chance to further pursue a tertiary education. Every step of the way since leaving school has been a tremendous struggle. Now that my nephews and nieces are schooling and complain to me that they have too much homework to complete and too may exams to sit for, I let them know that what they have to go through now will smoothen the way for their future.

However, I do try to help them to study better and score in their exams because their parents are uneducated and illiterate so I take it upon myself to help the kids because I would like to see them excel in life.

A recent discovery on the internet is going to help the children tremendously and I wonder why nobody thought of this when I was schooling. ePrep for the SAT is like its name suggest, a preparation test to prepare SAT candidates. The site, which will only fully launch this mid-summer, is a very innovative and user-friendly online mock SAT test that could help each student maximize their score

Websites like these that gives mock tests in an almost real environment prepares the student by testing their knowledge while training their speed and accuracy and providing them confidence in answering SAT questions. As you can see, it is so much more than just telling a student how well prepared he is for the test by checking the score here in an ePrep demo test.

Try out the site for yourself, Launch the ePrep SAT Demo Now. Don't you wish that every student would have the chance to test themselves in the ePrep for the SAT first before sitting for the real SAT?

ePrep also provides expert online video tutorial which teaches the student the best way to answer each and every question. By using the site consistently before the SAT, a student will have his mind conditioned in SAT exam-mode. This will only benefit the student to realize his maximum potential in scoring at the exam.

However, with sites like these, my only worry is that those who do not have access to ePrep tests will lose out and as the privileged ones score higher and higher in their SAT, the gap will be too wide for the underprivileged students to catch up on. What I feel is that schools should make ePrep compulsory and offer this to all students for free so that everyone will have an equal chance when it comes to exams as important as the SAT.


THE ANiTOKiD said...

This is a big help to students and those planning to take up the test! Great post!

Em said...

Hi AnitoKid!

I wish there was such a website when I was schooling.

I remember we had to buy all those work books and exam sheets that cost so much money and we were from a poor family so it was very difficult for us!

Children nowadays are so lucky!

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