Out of Whack | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, July 27, 2007

Out of Whack

My friend Paul buzzed me at 11pm on my phone and I replied him once then i went to sleep without letting him know. I was too sleepy but I woke up at 5am or so and replied him and told him that I'll be going back to bed soon but I ended up blogging and did not manage to continue with my beauty sleep, if ever I had one to begin with.

Paul, who is in New York, 12 hours behind us, says that my time is out of whack. How right he is. I know my time is upside down but I can't change my lifestyle without drastically changing everything else.

Paul will be back this August for a week (too short!) to celebrate his father's 90th birthday and he'll get to see just how out of whack I LOOK.

eeekkk I wanna hide.


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