A Man and His Wife and Girlfriend | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Man and His Wife and Girlfriend

The other day, my father met his business associate in KL. This guy came from Australia with his gwaipor wife. He is a Malaysian. After the meeting, the guy told my father that he has to go to various places in Peninsular Malaysia and may drop by our city. So my father said, if you come, give me a call so that we can have lunch together.

My father wondered what business this guy has going all over the country but my father thought that he doing some work for his clients since this guy is a solicitor.
Anyway, one day, the guy really called up and said that he is now in town. My dad went to meet him and took him to lunch and he brought a lady with him, and introduced her as his "girlfriend".

My goodness! My father nearly pengsan-ed. If my father had not met the gwaipor wife in KL, he would not be embarrassed but he met her and now is meeting the girlfriend. Now my father knows what business he has all over the country. He went traipsing all over with the girlfriend, a woman from KL.

What I don't understand is that both are already in their 50s and this girlfriend even knows of his marital status and knows that he has children. Why is she still sticking with him? Granted, he is a rich man, but is that everything to life?
After the second meeting, my father lost all respect for him and rightly so!

Are all men like this???? hhhhmmmppphhh!


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