Weighty Issues | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Weighty Issues

Last weekend, I met my friend who came for a holiday. He was shocked to see that I am so slim now. If you remember, I wrote a post about losing 5kg over four months back in October, 2006. Well, I haven't gained it back yet.

My friend asked me my secret on how to lose weight. I did not have any secret but I just never get to sleep. It was terrible and I do not recommend anyone to lose weight like that!

Although my friend had a little access body weight, I did not think that he needs to lose weight but he said he wants to be thinner. I guess most people have something to complain about their weight no matter how slim they already are, don't you think so?

Oh yeah, I think I mentioned before about a friend whom I have not seen in ages. The other day I bumped into him and, boy, has he ballooned up. I dare not touch on his weight as I know he is sensitive about it but last time he did say that he is comfortable with his size. I don't think that could be true! I think he said that to console himself!

Although I have lost weight unnaturally, I don't want to gain it back!


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