Drug Rehab Stories & Experiences | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Drug Rehab Stories & Experiences

I have been writing quite a few posts on drug and alcohol rehabilitation recently. This is a topic close to my heart because I have friends, neighbors and family member who are heavily dependent on such substances. I guess we don't really know why this social ill is so rampant and tend to blame our own social circle of friends from bad influence.

Today, I came across a blog that are contributed by former drug addicts and each post is written by different people, sharing their story, how they became addicted to drugs and how they managed to overcome it. Many people are skeptical about the effectiveness of
Drug Rehab centers but they do work if only the addict has the willpower and determination to work for the drug rehab program too.

From the articles contributed to the blog, Drug Rehab Mobile, the writers have had much success with drug rehab programs and they managed to lead a clean life. However, it is more important to maintain the clean life and not fall into a relapse.

I love reading about people overcoming their addiction, either by enrolling into a drug rehab program or other methods. Being a drug addict is not the end of the world if the addict truly wishes to kick the bad habit. If you know of anyone who is dependent on drugs, do try to convince him that drug rehabilitation may be the answer for him.


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