Can't Stand Some People | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 18, 2007

Can't Stand Some People

I don't know why but there are some people that I can't stand at all. Once I see through somebody, I lose all feelings for that person. Sometimes there are people who seem like they know-all. These are the people I don't want to have anything to do with as well.

Once, my friend asked me why I have so few friends. He knows that I can count the number of friends that I have in one hand. The important thing to me is not how many friends I have but how many TRUE friends I have.

As you may know, my family has been through a lot of shit in the past. We nearly lost our home, the family nearly broke up. We were all torn apart. A lot of my friendships were put to the test. Naturally, many did not survive but these few friends stuck by me.

This friend of mine, on the other hand, has MANY friends. During festivities, he would be receiving a few hundred SMS text messages sending him well wishes. The point is, does he know who are his real true friends, who are the ones who will help him should he need it? I did ask him once, and he wondered why I asked him such a question.

He said that he knows who are real and who aren't, of course. But one really can't tell unless the friendships are put to the test. Don’t you think so?


_butt said...

It's true. Once you're in trouble, you'll know who would be the one to lend a hand to help or shoulder to cry on. These are true friends.

Maybe your friend been through a similar experience before? Some people won't tell, but they just... sort of knew I guess.


Em said...

Yep, my friend also experienced that before but I am not sure how severe. It's not like we can ask everyone for help also lah.

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