My List - The Malaysian List | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My List - The Malaysian List

I have been out of touch with the Malaysian blogosphere over the past year due to so much turbulence in my life. However, I still do blog hop whenever time permits and I came across this list of blogs called My List. I gave it just a cursory glance since the instructions were so long and I was lazy to read.

But last night, Daryl encouraged me to participate and I told him that I will check it out later when I am free. I went to his blog today and WTH... the dateline is tomorrow! Hence I am making this post NOW in case I forget!

Now, the purpose of MY List is to bring together all Malaysian blogs or blogs that are about Malaysia. A directory or a bookmark if you will.

If you would like to participate in this huge list, Daryl says there are more than 200 blogs listed but I AM NOT COUNTING (!), hop over to Daryl's post with specific instructions.

I think I may need to provide a link on my sidebar so that the list could be easily accessible in future.

Updated - 10th June, 2007: My List has finally been wrapped up. Please check it out HERE.


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