Getting Stressed Over Tax Returns | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Getting Stressed Over Tax Returns

My sister called me up long distance frantically asking me if I know of any website that allows her to download the latest IRS tax forms. She has been offline for two weeks and just remembered that it's almost time to submit her tax returns.

I gave her the link to and told her to print out the forms and to read through the website for tax guides and tips on preparing her submission.

Since my sister did not have internet access currently, she would have to go to the library to print the forms out. I'm glad that she could get all the
tax forms and required reading all in one website. My sister told me that the librarian only allows free use of the computer for ten minutes each person. She definitely would not have enough time to search the internet herself.

However, with all the information available in one website, she managed to learn what she needs to better prepare her in the upcoming tax season.


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