Embracing Change | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Embracing Change

Last week, I came across this phrase "embracing change". It is really thought-provoking.

It is easier said than done that one should embrace change but how many people can actually do it if the change is towards something negative? If it is something positive, something bright surely everyone could do it.

What is the hardest change that one could embrace? I feel that it is living with a debilitating illness. Living is poverty is not that hard. I have been down and up again and I have survived. I could "embrace" that transition from living an OK life to a dirt poor one. I embraced a life from being dirt poor to a financially OK one once again.

But I feel that to live with an illness knowing that it is only a one-way street, I'm not sure how many people could cope with it.


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