Top Ten Things To Do In Los Angeles | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Top Ten Things To Do In Los Angeles

My cousin, Sharon, who just returned from an Australia Round Trip holiday will be leaving for California at the end of the month. How I envy her taking planes as if they were taxis, although it is a work trip out to California, but still, she has been there at least five times already.

I asked her what are the top ten things to do in Los Angeles and she said the main attraction is of course Hollywood, followed closely by Hollywood Bowl and Griffith Park. And then there's the LA Zoo, Chinatown to visit, movie studio tours, amusement parks, The Getty Center, Olvera Street and not forgetting Beverly Center.

Sharon told me that these are the ten things that a tourist MUST do and see, especially on a first trip. She told me that if I have the chance, I simply must visit the City of Angels. It is very convenient as there are direct flights. She even said that even the Los Angeles airport is so much more advanced than ours.

I sure would love to experience California one day!


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