Seven Copies of Me | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Seven Copies of Me

Yesterday, my friend SMS-ed me saying that he finally saw the girlfriend of a mutual friend and according to him, this girlfriend looks like me. Actually, this is not the first that someone told me that so-and-so looks like me, but when I finally get to see that person with my own eyes, no, I don't think she looks like me at all.

I have read that there are actually seven people in the world who look alike. So that means for every person, there are six others with the same looks walking around in other parts of the world.

How true this is I do not know. I know this is scientifically unproven but I am not a scientist and so I like to believe in magic.

I would like to imagine that one day, will get to meet someone who looks exactly like me. No, not my twin but my copy, one of the six others that purportedly are around somewhere out there.

Am I crazy? Yes, sometimes. Tip me off if you do see "me"!


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