Securing All Phone Conversations | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Securing All Phone Conversations

I was chatting with my friend about a radio scanner that has the ability to eavesdrop on landline and mobile phone conversations. He said that now that cellular companies are using digital signals, it is not possible to do so. He then went online to check and admitted that I am right! You see, even though I am a girl, I do know about such things!

He then said that he better have his company protected by a
secure phone system so that nobody can try to bug his phone lines. He said that all company issues are confidential and should remain within the walls of the office. It is very scary to imagine what would happen if private information is leaked out and it will cause his company huge losses.

He said that it is better to be safe than sorry to get the protection now before anything untoward happens.


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