Mortgage Shopping | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mortgage Shopping

When my sister was planning to buy a house, one of the major decisions to make was to shop for a mortgage. She checked mortgage rates online and compared what was available for her to try to find one with the best rates and yet could still meet her needs.

Also, she had to calculate the loan amount that she could afford and taking into account her monthly commitments and debts like car installments, credit card bills and other miscellaneous expenses.

My sister also seek more information from mortgage portals like and listened to the advice and experiences of friends. She told me that buying a home is the biggest decision and commitment of her life so she has to be very careful before moving forward.

After a lengthy research, she managed to take out a mortgage that she is happy with.


SamSeiko said...

wow remind me not to buy a house at my age now :P btw i think lah maybe ur sister should settle her other loans before going for another loan? i duno cuz im rookie in this...seeing ppl having so many loans and still surviving :D

Em said...


Thanks for dropping by.

My sister says she has to be early to be eligible for a 30-year mortgage plan.

Yes, it is a very long commitment but her boyfriend is also helping to service the mortgage so the burden is halved.

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