Evil Prayers | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Evil Prayers

The mother of a distant associate passed away recently. This young lady is only 27 years old and she has taken care of her mother for a long time. Can you imagine how long? Her mother has been sick for 23 years. That means practically all her life!

I believe many people do not really understand the feeling and burden of being a primary care giver for that many years for someone her age. I believe she has no life between schooling / working and caring for her mom.

She told us that every time her mother goes into a bad cycle, she will pray that her mother will die then. Is that cruel of her? She said that she does that because her mother suffers so much that they wish God would take her away since they are not going to take the cowardly way out with euthanasia or suicide.

Like I mentioned in an old post of mine regarding
growing old together, isn't it scary if one of them has to care for another, and then end up praying for his/her death. The very person whom he/she has loved before has turned into such a burden that one just wishes him/her gone, to end the suffering not only of the patient but of the caregiver as well.

Love can very easily turn into hate. This is a very scary thought indeed.


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