Where's My Ang Pow? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Where's My Ang Pow?

As years go by my ang pow collection has been dwindling. But hey, I'm still single and that means still eligible for ang pow, you know? Well, the fault is my own. I never go visiting at all, except to some close relatives. This year has been exceptionally bad as my relatives did not come back and coupled with my sick pet, I did not have mood for visiting at all. All in all, I only received 6 miserable ang pows and two of them are from my own parents. That means only four from relatives *sigh*

Add them up together and it doesn't even reach MYR50. And my vet has already taken them all. What to do?

Maybe next year I work harder in visiting people and wishing them Gong Xi Fa Cai, louder and clearer. Will this work?


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