Small World | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Small World

The other day, I suddenly thought that I should visit my friend's forum. It has been a long time and I had promised that I would support his forum. Since I did not bookmark his URL and I was lazy to check my email, I typed in the address as I remember it.

Funnily enough, I did not get the forum, but went to a website of my old school mate's family! I have not kept in touch with any of my old school mates since we left school and here she is, right smack on my computer screen.

To say that I was surprised is an understatement. The world may be small but the internet is indeed huge and what a coincidence it is to just type in the address correctly to her homepage. Is this what we call serendipity?

By the way, I still need to search for the address of my friend's forum!


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