Highlights on Virginia | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Highlights on Virginia

My friend, Luival, is from Virginia, USA. He recently invited me to visit him but due to work and family commitments, I am regrettably declined. However, I did promise to attend his wedding, which should be at the end of next year. So I better start saving money now!

As a teaser to tempt me to visit Virginia, Lui told me about the great things that one can see and do in his home state.

He told me that to understand Virginia, one has to look at the history of the state. For one, Virginia is the mother of Presidents, a state where eight United States Presidents were born in.

While these eight Presidents were in office respectively, they contributed much to the state, making Virginia one of the more developed Southern State. To study, work or simply to live in Virginia is an excellent choice thanks to its advancement in education, business and of course politics.

Lui said that should I decide to go, I should put up at a hotel in Virginia Beach. He said this is where the top hotels in Virginia Beach are. From the photos that I have seen online, I have to agree!

According to Lui, crime rate is very low in Virginia but some home owners have taken the extra precaution of installing Hidden Cameras for security. With this, people know that they cannot get away with the crime and it has driven crime cases down. I think that eventually, every home in the United States should be encouraged to have security cameras installed.

Lui knows that I am adventurous in my food. I am sure to try something new wherever I travel, just to get a taste of the local delicacies. And it will be no different in Virginia. There will surely be something that will be exciting to try out from the seven best restaurants in Virginia Beach.

After getting the lo-down on Virginia, next year can't come soon enough!


Unknown said...

Going to the wedding or deciding to go to the wedding is the better choice. I think you will have a lot of fun. Better save up!

Em said...

This trip is gonna clear out my bank account! wa wa wa *cry*

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