At The Vet's | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, March 04, 2007

At The Vet's

I spent so many hours at the vet's last week that I've seen so many animals that people rear and the domestic accidents that happened to them.

There's the monkey which was scaled by hot water. According to the owner, he has two monkeys and these two are so naughty. They played with a kettle of hot water and one got scalded.

And then there's the macaw who was slashed at the breast by the blade of the ceiling fan. Oh my, that was terrible. Luckily it did not slash his neck!

And again, another case of a bulging eye dislodged from the eye socket. If you remember, there was one case of the toy dog which had the eye dislodged by the neighbour's dog. These two cases really have put me off keeping dogs with bulging eyes FOREVER.

And the classic one was an Ah Beng who brought his 3ft tall (standing on all fours) dog who wore a S&M metal studded fake leather collar. This one came to be boarded.

Well, it's interesting to be at the vet's but it's not where I wanna be!


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