Where People Really Understand | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Where People Really Understand

My neighbour has two sons who are drug addicts, which I have mentioned before in this blog. If one child is an addict, everyone is weary of the family but when two are drug addicts like this family, the stigma is tremendous.

Everybody in the neighborhood was afraid to befriend them in case they too become addicts themselves.

The parents had no choice but to send them away to receive drug
addiction treatment at the Stone Hawk Addiction Treatment Center. His parents were at first reluctant to send them away but upon persuasion from friends and relatives, they finally took this bold step forward.

The two boys undertook the Narconon program at the center and received such great support from the staff, who were also once addicts. They finally felt that somebody understands them, that they do not want to be addicts for the rest of their lives but instead make something good but society turned its backs on them. But in Stone Hawk, everyone is treated equally and given a chance to proof themselves and make good.

Not only were they given drug addiction treatment, they were taught live skills as well which will be useful when they reenter society. My neighbors are now much more happier knowing that their sons are in good caring hands.


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