There's No "Me" In My Life | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

There's No "Me" In My Life

That's how I've felt for a long time. Every day I feel like working for someone and something else. Like my time is wasted on something that does not benefit me. I feel like I am doing things for other people all the time and my priorities are all wrong. I can't even find the time, and then energy to take care of my own needs.

My own private work are only taken care of at the end of the day just before I retire to bed and by then I am already drained. I can't even pay attention to my own work and there are too many little mistakes here and there that cost me more time to rectify, especially when I keep nodding off in the middle of it all.

As the days go by, it's getting harder and harder to cope with the workload. The reality of being at the bottom rung is that work will ALWAYS be delegated to YOU. I don't see how I can escape from this situation.

I used to wonder why the sales people working the malls continue to work there day in, day out, even when they approach 30 - 40 years old. I used to wonder, don't they want to upgrade themselves? Why don't they take up some night course or something?

I think I know better now. By the end of the day, they are deadbeat that there is no more energy left to attend classes, and with their lowly pay, it is mighty difficult to scrap for the course fees.

Life is harsh for most people, but it is harsher for some more than for others.


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