Opinion? What Opinion? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Opinion? What Opinion?

Many times I come across women asking their husbands or boyfriends, "Which is nice ah?" while showing two or three pieces of blouses, bags or a few pairs of shoes to the man and they will almost always say, "All are nice."

Of come on, what is so nice about a fah li look dark gaudy coloured blouse or a faux crocodile skin bag or shoes? If they had asked me, I would have told them the truth that none are nice at all. And the price for these ugly items are definitely not nice. I wonder if the men really thought so or did they even pay attention.

I think that it is absolutely useless to ask for their opinion. It is better to decide for ourselves, don't you think so?

Men are no good taking along shopping, except to be the paymaster. No wonder they are termed ATMs. Other than that, they are just an extra pair of hands to carry the bags!


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