FFFFFFFffffffffffffff Part II | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, February 03, 2007

FFFFFFFffffffffffffff Part II

So the other day, I posted about the fler who recently kept harassing me for my address. Why can't some people take NO for an answer?

I think he sent me five (or more) SMS with the same "request" and when I did not reply, he pretended to ask me about something else which sort of forced me to reply him, but I delayed him like hell.

If that is not enough, he emailed me with the same sentence, "Gip la, gip la" like a broken record.

You know, I damn pissed off. Here I am so busy, holding three jobs trying to make ends meet and getting less than four hours of rest a night, and there he is irritating the hell out of me.

When I do not sleep well, I am very cranky and sure as hell do not have time or mood for niceties.

He said that he bought too much CNY goodies as he wanted to give face to the person who made them. Now he wants to give me some but I already said I don't want any. Can't he understand simple English? He wants to give people face it's his own fault! Why bother me and why didn't he ask me first???

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