Blood On The Floor | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, February 05, 2007

Blood On The Floor

I received a fright last night. I saw fresh drops of blood on the floor and it could only come from the monkey who is having urinary problem. Since his problem began 1.5 years ago, I was very worried that he would piss blood any time because there are so many causes of urinary problems.

So when I saw blood, I checked him upside down but I couldn't find anything. I waited for him to piss to check, there was no blood. Thank God!

That happened around 1.30am. I finally went to bed at 5am and promptly had a nightmare. I am very prone to nightmares. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am unable to shut off my mind or do not have sufficient time to wind down before I go to bed.

I woke up after that nightmare and couldn't sleep properly after that. I got up from bed at about 8am. See how little sleep I get?

I spent the whole day putting my poor monkey under observation. I'm scared like shit. I'm scared of what is going to happen to my monkey, the unknown that is ahead of us.

Please pray for my monkey.


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