Another Day Wasted | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, February 23, 2007

Another Day Wasted

Today was another day wasted because we were not able to take my monkey for an x-ray because the clinic where we were supposed to go to is still closed for Chinese New Year. I told them this is an urgent case. It has been what, five days since my monkey stopped eating? I purposely went out to buy something special for him just so he tries to eat a little but it will comes out in a mess a few hours later.

But no siree, urgent or not, these people are not going to work on the 5th day of Chinese New Year. The reality is, this is a business for them. That my monkey is dying is my own problem. They are not going to make an exception to work on the 5th day lest their spoil their luck for the whole year.

This just pisses me off. It is now not just another day wasted, but another day my monkey is wasting away!


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