Wrong Goals? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wrong Goals?

Paul told me that I can be whatever and whoever I want to be even if I do not have tertiary education. He knows I have a major hang up about it and tries to make me believe that IT DOES NOT MATTER. I try to believe him.

He told me to set my goals and work towards them step by step, which I am doing and in the process am losing sleep and causing myself to look like a zombie. And he has the cheek to remind me not to grow old so fast!!! GGGrrrr

Come to think of it, I have set a wrong goal. I am a girl and I should have spent my time sleeping and making myself look as beautiful and sexy as possible and try to hook the best fish in the sea.

Only those with deep pockets and about to die need apply! *sigh*


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