A MotorHome Home | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A MotorHome Home

I came across a really innovative website during random surfing just now. You may wonder HOW innovative and why do I say this. Well, these guys have used video interviews for their FAQs!

How many websites have we come across that uses plain ol' text, right? This one is in video. You must watch it because there's a might good looking guy over there called Ross *ahem*

Where is the site?!? It is the website of American Motorhomes in the UK, http://www.travelworldrv.co.uk

At first, upon reading the front pages, I did not know what RV means. After accessing the video FAQ section, I found that RV simply means "recreational vehicle", which includes motorhomes.

RV actually is an American term and now gaining popularity in the UK. RVs were first manufactured in America in the 1950s.

Video FAQs like this are easy to understand and straight to the point.

One of the questions asked was, "Who are the buyers?" It seems that there are people who are in the motorsports industry and there are people who buy a motorhome for weekend vacations and there are people who SOLD THEIR HOUSE TO LIVE IN IT! Woot!

It would be awesome if my parents sold our home to buy one of these!


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