Wassup, eh? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wassup, eh?

I received wind that someone bookmarked this blog into his/her del.ico.us page with the remark "Example of a paid blog". Eh, what's the matter? What does he/she want? It's scary, man, knowing someone is keeping track of your blog like that and not knowing who he/she is, who never leaves a comment or a note in any form.

I don't even know if he/she supports paid blogging or the likes or not. Well, I have friends who support my reviews and at the same time, I have also lost some readers who do not support me. I do not even Ping PPS and so do not have new readers.

I regret that but in life, we can please some people some of the time but not everyone all the time. So yeah, whoever you are, I'd appreciate if you could just drop me a line.

And to end this post, a thought just came to me.

If you have an urgent need to release some gas in public, and if you have a choice, would you rather your fart is a loud one that does not stink, a soundless one that stink to high heavens or a loud PLUS stinky one?

I think that you'd need to have your head checked if you chose the third option.


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