Riding the Fuel My Blog Bandwagon | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, January 26, 2007

Riding the Fuel My Blog Bandwagon

When I first heard of Fuel My Blog, I knew that it's gonna create some online waves, because it's free pixel advertising for blogs. Do you remember the college student who became an instant millionaire from selling pixel advertisement? The owners of Fuel My Blog are bigger than that! They are giving us Free pixel blocks to advertise our blogs for at least five years!

Fuel My Blog is working on getting a radio show where every week, a blogger will get to talk about his/her blog and any post that he/she wants to discuss. Isn't that great? Can you imagine talking about your blog live on air and tuned in by the world? Can't imagine that happening in Malaysia, unless you are Jeff Ooi or Rocky Bru.

I've got insider's news for you. The radio show is just the tip of the iceberg. There MAY be a TV spot for Fuel My Blog too. Fancy being on TV? What happens there, I do not know. Even if I knew, I would not tell because you're supposed to find out for yourself by reading the Fuel My Blog blog aha!

Senator John Edwards, PayPerPost and Algoco have joined the bandwagon. So what are you waiting for? Hop on for the ride of your life!

Related post:
Beefing Up Readership


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