OMG I Can't Believe My Eyes! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 15, 2007

OMG I Can't Believe My Eyes!

Today I enabled Google toolbar on my Firefox browser just for fun and I couldn't believe my eyes. Is my blog now Page Ranked 5???

I went to and really wor (see screenshot)....HOW COME????

It was only Page Rank 3 a couple of days ago. What happened to 4???

I'm sooo lucky Google loves my URL *muahahaha*

When I first started this blog, it went from zero to 3 in a couple of months. Thank you Fatty!!!!!!!!! You made the initial difference!

And now, this baby is only eight months old and it's already PR5 Wooohoooooo

I was prepared to spend a year being a cyber 8por to get links.

To all my link buddies wherever you are, Muahhhhhhhhhh I lup Youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

P/S: Dare I take better opps on PPP now??

*sniff* Guess I'll just wait for Google PR to stabilise first lah ...


Jason Lioh said...

Mine still stuck at 4 after 2 years of blogging, thats including from my blogspot to my domain.

Wonder what went wrong. :(

Em said...

Jason, I think mine something wrong la. How can so fast wan? Moreover, there are not many readers here also lol

Samm said...

Congrats!!!! Now u're gonna get more high paying opps!!! YAY!!!!

Em said...

Samm! Thanks! I hope so lah but the $$ still the same in LL lah :-S

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