My Blog Is Accepted by TLA!!! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Blog Is Accepted by TLA!!!

I received an email from TLA this morning that I can now sell and publish text link ads here. Previously, I could only be an affiliate and refer people but now I can publish!

Wait a minute, I don't know if I should be happy to have another source of revenue if I managed to sell my links, that is. I know that my blog is accepted only because of the PageRank fluke I received thanks to Google. It's no fault of mine, why should I fee guilty?

Anyway, I don't know if should implement the code. It requires me to upgrade my template which I am VERY reluctant to do. I read that it comes packaged with lots of problems, and one cannot insert Adsense or banners in between posts, like what I have now.

I seriously do not have time to meddle with the codes. If I have spare time, I would have spent it doing up my
Blank Canvas but as you can see, it's still bare *sigh*

I wish the new template doesn't bring so much headache. I am as non-techic as can be :(


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