Let The Professionals Handle It | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 08, 2007

Let The Professionals Handle It

My friend Paul, the architect in New York City, has to deal with many people in the construction line because he is also a contractor and designer. There was once he was very disappointed as his workers did not turn up to work after taking an advance of their salary. I asked him if he really knows these people and did he do a background check on them. He told me that these people were introduced by his brother so he was forced to hire them.

I advised him to let the professionals handle his recruitment and not let family come in the way. He is a professional and he has a reputation to take care of. He agrees with me and now, from civil engineering jobs to plumbing to electrical contractors, all posts are filled by people recruited by professional recruitment agencies.

Although he has to pay a little more, he is happy that no one stood him up after he has changed his way of recruiting staff.


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