Introducing Blank Canvas | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Introducing Blank Canvas

I always hinted that I'd do it, and yea, I finally did it. I now have my own-hosted blog. Yay. Blank Canvas a sub-domain of It's not a problem, and in fact, an ideal set up for me.

I'm gonna update that blog as well as regularly as possible with original content that is not a copy of what I write here. I don't want to be penalized by Google for having so-called mirror sites.

Right now, it doesn't have any paid reviews, so enjoy that while it lasts. I hope that readers of this blog will support my second blog and if possible, link me up. Drop me a line and I'll link you up on this blog, which has a Page Rank of 3. Thanks in advance!

There are a couple of people who have subscribed to my RSS feed. I wonder who you are. Anyone wanna own up? lol


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