In No Mood | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 22, 2007

In No Mood

Well, not exactly no mood but low mood, very, very, low. Monkey's not well again. He’s dribbling urine all over. Errmmm this doesn't look good. Possible causes include:

Bladder infection
Renal failure
Enlargement of prostate
Stone in the kidney / bladder / urinary tract

and a few others that I dare not even think about. My heart just sinks.....

Vets around here just aren't good enough. Heck, many don't even know that monkeys can lapse into seizures and even ask me to take him into the clinic during a bout of seizure. I want to know, HOW??

After that episode when vets around here have revealed their IQ level to me, I have no trust in them anymore.

I'm so lost.


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