Crazy Sale On Preview Videos of MS Vista & Office 2007 | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Crazy Sale On Preview Videos of MS Vista & Office 2007

There is a crazy sale going on online now and it lasts until 20th January, 2007 only. Since most of us do not really know what's in store for us in the new Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007, Marc Liron, an IT Consultant and honored with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for four years running, has put together various Vista & Office 2007 Preview Videos that detail what are the new features and improved interface of Windows Vista and Office 2007, as compared to the current versions.

This is really helpful since such training videos are not available and there is a need to meet this enquiry of most Windows users. There is the need to answer the question if we should upgrade our Windows to Vista. With these videos, our questions will be answered.

These videos are sold online but Marc came up with a brilliant marketing plan whereby we only pay what we can afford. This offer is for seven days only so it is really your own loss if you do not take advantage of it because all the videos valued at over $500 can be had for $47 ONLY.

Tell me, is this crazy or what?


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