Cloning Myself | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cloning Myself

I have so many tasks to complete daily and have work up to my nose that 24 hours a day is definitely not enough even when I cut down on sleep to the minimum.

The other day, I read a true story of a lady who worked so hard and like me, cut down on sleeping hours that she suffered from a heart attack at 28 years old. It's horrifying.

However, she subsequently became very successful in life. This got me thinking, what is more important? Health or success? Of course health is broadly the most important thing in life, but without money, what can one do? See, Boon needed more than MYR7000 per month for Iressa. Without that, the cancer could not be contained. And you know what happened to him.

Anyway, I told my friend that I wish I had a twin. He asked me what makes me think that my twin will be exactly the same as myself and enjoy the same things that I do. Ok, so no twin never mind. I wanna clone myself. The best is to have an adult clone and not a baby one. I don't want the burden to take care of my clone baby!

Can technology accommodate me?


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