Christina's IVF | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, January 26, 2007

Christina's IVF

A friend of mine, Christina, had been married for more than ten years and was still childless. Maybe it was due to pride or embarrassment, she and her husband were reluctant to consult a specialist to check on their fertility.

Christina even told me that they have decided NOT to have children due to their late age, but I know that they do want children as children are God's gift.

Actually, there are so many causes of why a couple is not able to have a child, but these two affected people must take the first steps to find out the problem, then only can a solution be applied.

One day, Christina and her husband went to see the doctor. Both had to undergo fertility tests and it was determined that she requires In Vitro Fertilization (
IVF). The procedure was not too complicated and it was pain-free.

Her doctor adopted the blastocyst transfer to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies and to achieve the highest possible rate of a successful pregnancy.

Christina did get pregnant and was later blessed with a beautiful baby boy, thanks to the doctor who maintained the highest and strictest industry standards and utilizing the most advanced techniques.

It was such an uncomplicated procedure Christina wondered what took her so long to seek treatment.


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