Are You On Drugs? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Are You On Drugs?

My friend was surprised to learn that I'm only getting three hours of rest every night. My usual excuse is of course, "Work."

Looking at my condition, he even asked if I was on drugs. Of course not lah. He should give me more credit than that!

What he told me was that it's useless for me to work such long hours as productivity is only limited to ten hours a day. I will only create more mistakes beyond that ten hours. I will then be required to correct these mistakes and this means time wasted too.

This equals to loss of actual working productive time and in turn means longer work hours, with no added benefit.

Don't I know it, Henry? I wish you were my boss. The pay you offered me is good enough to match my education level *sob* and my non experience, but you don't give me internet access for most of the day, how to survive?


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